Current On-Hiatus Webcomic
The Anti-Chris is a webcomic concept I've been developing for several years.
“Chris Castella carries the unwanted burden of being heir to one of the thrones of Hell, being he is the half-mortal child of Satan. He's working to relinquish this role in favor of continuing his college education - or that was the plan, until demons started showing up around Chris’s hometown, attempting to kill him. His father’s sudden retirement announcement and Chris’s imminent coronation has managed to put a massive bounty on the to-be ruler’s head. Faced with the possibility of assassination, Chris turns to his friends Cyra and Manus for help.”
I've been working on The Anti-Chris since I was 15, and it's gone through a lot of growth since then - just as I have. I feel like it's finally in a place narrative-wise that I'm confident enough to start posting online. I've posted the first 4 pages of chapter 1 on The Anti Chris Tumblr, however it's currently on hiatus until I have time to make a Neocities page! Hopefully in later 2023 I'll start updating again. Until then, enjoy my character designs and exploration Chris, Cyra, Manus and various demonic entities that reside in the world of The Anti Chris,
TW: Partial Nudity and Realistic Eyes
Here's my explorations of Chris, Cyra and Manus! I've just added stuff from 2020 to now, as this art more accurately reflects how they're appearing in future chapters of TAC.
As I develop more designs for demons and various members of Hell's Court, I'll post them to this slideshow! Right now that number is limited, but expect more in the future!